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US Markets Struggle to Meet Surging Energy Demand for Data Centres

BLS & Co. Senior Vice President Tim Comerford and Senior Consultant Haley Hop dive into how US markets must adapt to address the growing data center industry.

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Market Update: The Growing Demand for Data Centers

BLS & Co. Managing Director Timothy Comerford and Senior Consultant Haley Hop dive into the rapid growth of data centers and how strategic partnerships between data centers, utilities and communities are key to finding win-win solutions to meet the growing need for computing power.

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Navigating Renewable Energy Strategies in Location Selection

BLS & Co. Senior VP Tim Comerford, Project Manager Tracey Hyatt Bosman, Tractus partner Michael Hirou and Location Decisions partner Andreas Dressler discuss the increasing importance for businesses to align location strategies with renewable energy goals, outlining various renewable energy options, challenges and incentives, with a focus on the U.S. market.

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Charged up: Expert sees push for electric vehicle charging stations at logistics centers

BLS & Co. Senior Vice President Tim Comerford caught up with ROI-NJ on the infrastructure bill.

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Green Energy Becomes Critical for Manufacturing

BLS & Co. Project Director Michelle Comerford was quoted in this Industry Week article, "Green Energy Becomes Critical for Manufacturing." Read Michelle's full insights below.

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Impact of Extreme Cold on Utility Gas & Electric Prices

Industry Today features thought leadership from BLS & Co.'s Tim Comerford.