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California Fights Back

BLS & Co.'s Andy Shapiro explains how California is using the CalCompetes program to stop companies from leaving the state.

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California's Enacted FY '22 Budget Boosts Economic Development Incentives

Andy Shapiro, Managing Director of BLS & Co. explains how California's FY '22 budget boosts economic development incentives in this article.

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California Presents $100 Billion Comeback Plan

On May 14, 2021, California Governor Gavin Newsom revealed his revised FY ’22 budget proposal, which now includes a new $100 billion California Comeback Plan.

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CoreNet Webinar: NJ's New Economic Development Incentives

CoreNet NJ sits down with Jay Biggins, Executive Managing Director of Biggins Lacy Shapiro & Co.

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NJ's New Incentive Law: What Does It Mean?

New Jersey is finally stepping up with robust incentives tools – totaling $14 billion over six years.

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COVID-19's Impact on U.S. Economic Development Incentives

Virginia Stakes Out Most Flexible Posture on Work-From-Home Issue