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Where Quantum Computing is Taking Root

In an article in Site Selection Magazine, BLS & Co. Managing Director Tracey Hyatt Bosman dives into location analysis for quantum computing, highlighting the importance of high-tech clusters, the need for strategic alliances and proximity to experienced partners in the field. Read more from the article below:

"We're seeing companies working on prototypes, and they're looking for research centers and the scientific talent they require more than locations that can deliver lots of manufacturing workers at this time," says Tracey Hyatt Bosman, managing director at BLS & Co., a site selection and incentives advisory firm. Locations that have high-tech clusters in place are well-positioned to benefit from the growth of quantum computing, she points out. "Quantum technology is much broader than just the computing aspect, so these IT centers are showing that they have the expertise in place for the next wave of innovation."

"Where is quantum computing going to grow, and what will it need? It's going to grow near other science applications, and it's going to need partners," says BLS & Co.'s Tracey Hyatt Bosman, underlining the importance of the alliances and quantum computing consortia. "It will need proximity to those with experience servicing cutting-edge companies."

Read more here.

Tracey Hyatt Bosman, CEcD

Managing Director

Tracey Hyatt Bosman develops and executes incentives and location selection strategies for BLS & Co.'s corporate and institutional clients. She is a certified economic developer with twenty years of professional experience across a wide range of sectors, including data centers, manufacturing, headquarters, back office and contact center operations, and logistics.

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